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A Little About AK4SB
Envisioned to serve at the Alaska state level as the equivalent of the The Concord Coalition, Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget and Peter G. Peterson Foundation at the federal level, Alaskans for Sustainable Budgets began in the run-up to the 2012 election as an effort to inform and engage Alaskans on the, even then, already clearly deteriorating condition of the state’s fiscal health.
Now approaching a decade since its inception, AK4SB has evolved into a full time project focused on developing and advocating for economically robust and durable state fiscal policies. Because of various relationships between the two, along the way AK4SB also has become involved in helping inform and engage Alaskans about federal fiscal and economic policy.
Building on publicly available data and analysis with additional research and insight, AK4SB strives to be an independent source of objective policy analysis, advocating for generationally and distributionally responsible approaches. Founded, funded and directed by former business executive, lawyer and consultant Brad Keithley, the project’s mission is to increase public awareness of the nature and urgency of key fiscal challenges facing Alaskans at both state and federal levels, and to develop and offer reasoned approaches in response.

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